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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Tentative Title For Book Proposed

        So far we have referred to our book in progress as 'the book for the 250th Anniversary of Bedford County' or something similar. As we are three years into the project, with only five years left until the actual anniversary date, I thought that it is about time that we start thinking about a proper title for the book. I sent an email out to all book committee members with a suggestion that I would like them to consider:


In explanation:

1.) In order to not have to continually state ‘250’ or ‘250 years’, I thought that ‘Two And One-Half Centuries’ would present a nice alternative.

2.) Essentially the title is ‘Bedford County, Pennsylvania’ which satisfies the need for a basic title.

3.) The subtitle of ‘Two And One-Half Centuries In The Making’ not only covers the 250 years of past (to the present) history – but it implies continuation into the future. The phrase ‘in the making’ can be defined as a process of continuing change – of the thing constantly being made.

        So this title defines Bedford County, Pennsylvania as an entity that has grown for 2-1/2 centuries (250 years) and is, even now, continuing to be made, implying that the entity will continue on into the future (never actually reaching finality – ‘made’).

        The majority of responses have so far been favorable to using this title. Only two members have submitted alternative titles for consideration; they will be distributed for the entire committee to review and consider in the future.


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